In Memory of




Condolence From: Elaine Guzmich
Condolence: Brian, I just wanted to let you know how very sorry I am for your loss. Raven had to have about the kindest, most loving heart I have ever been graced to know. She and I connected at a very deep level, as you know, and I am still trying to wrap my head around the fact that she has left this world and moved onto the next. No woman has ever loved her husband more than Raven loved you, and I want you to always remember that she felt very loved in return as well as cherished and protected by you. I think that her willingness to love and to help and her ability to make people feel good even if they were having a bad day were amazing traits that she was gifted with, and that she gifted us with her very presence in this world. She believed in the inherent dignity that all human beings possess and tried to treat people with the respect she believed others to deserve. I will miss her kindness, her cards that would arrive in the mail every so often,and the unconditional love that she so freely gave. I mourn along with you that such a beautiful spirit has left this world, but believe that she is still looking out for you and for all she loved, including your family, whom she loved dearly, and me, among others. If there is anything I can do to help you, please let me know. Wish I could be at her Memorial, but, as I have told you, I will be there in spirit. Love always, Elaine
Saturday March 19, 2016
Condolence From: Cindy, Larry & Family
Condolence: Sincere thoughts and prayers to Brian, and the Doll and Feldbusch families. May time lessen your pain, but never fade your memories of Raven. As for us, we will remember her fondly and miss her ever faithful Christmas cards.
Thursday March 03, 2016
Condolence From: Lynn, Mark, Nicole
Condolence: Brian, we are so sorry for the loss of your beloved Raven. She was taken away from you so suddenly and much too soon. We know how much you cared for her and loved her with all of your heart and soul. Raven has touched so many lives and will always be remembered. We love you Brian We love you Raven
Thursday March 03, 2016